Dear RLC Family, 

We’re excited to share with you about this year’s Christmas offering that will be taking place this Sunday, December 10th.

We have been blown away by the generosity of the people of River of Life Church! The past 5 years, we have given over $130,000 in our Christmas offerings to be used for specific projects in our church, our community, and around the world.  Generosity is a big part of being a follower of Jesus, and we’re amazed that so many have made God and his people a priority in their giving.

What will we do with the money received? This year, the Christmas offering will be used to position our church family to make a greater impact in 2024. It will be used for things like: Expanding the ministry done at RLC, moving forward with the BBE and St. Joseph church locations, allowing us to create margin in our budget, and helping us reach our goals to support Christ-centered projects and organizations that are building the kingdom of God.

With this Christmas offering, we have the opportunity to deepen our impact in this community, enlarge our ministry to our regular attenders, and engage those without a church in our country and world. If you believe in our church family, we want to ask you to begin praying now about what God would have you give to this Christmas offering over and above your regular giving. (Wondering what “over and above” giving is? See "To Answer Your Questions" section below for more information.) Allow God to stretch your faith!

Thank you for your love for Christ and willingness to invest in the Kingdom of God!

- Pastor Kyle Peterson


To answer your questions

Why a special offering?

As a part of God’s plan to grow the faith of the people in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time. This Special Offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2024. This offering is not because we are behind on budget, but rather, it is to position us to make a greater impact in our city, in our church, and around the world in 2024.

What’s the difference between the regular offering and this special offering?

The regular RLC offering is the full tithe, or 10%, that we as Christians routinely give throughout the year. From time to time there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way. This special offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith and should be over and above what you regularly give.

How much should I give?

2 Corinthians 9:7 says: You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. We are not looking to pressure or guilt anyone into giving. The precise amount you give is between you and God. The actual amount given is not what’s important, it’s about being obedient to what God has asked you to give.

Can I give online via check/credit card?

Yes. You can give through our website by clicking on the “give” tab at and follow the instructions. Make sure you choose “Christmas Offering” after entering the donation amount.

Are my gifts tax-deductible?

All gifts to River of Life Church, whether regular offering or this special offering, are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the tax year given (I.e., gifts given in 2023 will be deductible on your 2023 taxes).  Please be sure to include your name and address when you give so that a receipt can be sent to you for your tax preparations.  You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available for all gifts.