To Register:
Registration is now completely online! Click on the registration button below and it will take you to the camp registration site.
Register under River of Life Sauk Centre Long Prairie and the code is "RLCYOUTH".
This is important so that your campers end up in the right group. Complete all the forms online.
You will pay the church, not during online registration
Simply give in the offering & designate as "youth camp", or drop your payment at the office.
*If writing a check, please make it out to River of Life. You should NOT have to pay on the camp registration website.
Camp Details Below
Junior High
Going into 6th-9th grade in Fall of 2021
July 10th -14th
Costs $280. Registration deadline June 12th
Senior High
Going into 10th-12th grade in Fall of 2021 & graduating seniors
July 24th - 28th
Costs $280. Registration deadline June 26th
Lake Geneva Christian Center offers limited partial scholarships of $50, awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applications can be downloaded here
Scholarship Deadline: May 17
Refer back to our camp page for discounts and scholarships from RLC