Youth Camps:
JR high: July 10th-14th
Sr High: July 24th-28th
CAMP Discount Details
Please note: Discounts and scholarships cannot be combined. Rather, where applicable, the greater discount will be credited towards camper registrations and reflected in the adjusted price given to families. If one of these discounts applies to you, please contact our church staff as you sign up to verify that you will apply for that specific discount.
The SINGLE PARENT DISCOUNT (50%) is given to any campers being raised by a single parent. This discount is 50% off each camper’s registration. If you are raising your child on your own and this would be a help for you, please contact us to receive this discount.
The SIBLING DISCOUNT ($50 off 2nd child, $100 off each child after) is given to any family with two or more siblings in the family attending camp this summer (Kids camp or Youth camps). Families pay full price for the first sibling and each additional sibling receives a discounted price. Our staff will try to keep track of families that apply for this as they sign up, but please reach out during registration if this is a discount you need.
We want to take as many kids to camp as possible. Because we believe it is a powerful experience for so many. If finances would stop your family from sending a child, please reach out to us and we will work with you and see if we can find a way to get your child there.